Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 1 of Mixed Media From The Heart

Week 1 was condensed into just a few days for me since I was out of town for the whole first week of this course. I have been playing catch up in hopes of being able to start week 2 during the actual second week. I am very thankful that this course is so well organized. It has made it easier to follow along and work for small chunks of time between juggling life and family.

Here are a few photos of the color journal that I have made in my first week. It is an exploration of color and how they draw us into the photos we found, their relation to one another, recognizing groupings that we find pleasing to our eye, as well as vintage washes. I have never kept a color journal before and I look forward to adding to this one and continuing to find more groupings that I can utilize in future paintings. Enjoy!


  1. Love this idea! I'm sad that I missed the registration for this course. I would love to hear all about it when you finish!

    1. Katie, You would LOVE this course. The prompts and assignments are ones that can be accomplished quickly and in those small pieces of the day that you can get a chance to work. The kids have been watching the videos with me and even helping me pick out images and colors. Nola is full of questions. I love it!
